Farmer Olaf
A family card game playable anywhere


(If you want to read an instruction see 'Game rules'.)

A complete playthrough

How to do an action (old version cards)

A complete cheatsheet for reference

First example - feeding an alpaca.

You need a meadow, an alpaca and 2 forage cards. When performing this action you have to discard two forage cards, and then rotate the alpaca card so it has now an alpaca with wool icon in the top left corner. You keep the meadow card.

Second example - shearing an alpaca.

You need a meadow, an alpaca with wool and two workers. When performing an action you discard two worker cards, rotate the alpaca card, keep the meadow card and get a green wool card from the box worth 3 points. You can reuse alpaca and meadow cards.

Third example - feeding a boar and making a ham.

You need a boar, a boarpen and three forage cards. When performing an action you discard three forage cards and a boar card, rotate a boarpen card so it's now dirty as indicated on the left-top corner. And then you take from the box a green ham card worth 3 points.

Fourth example - cleaning a boarpen.

If you want to reuse the boarpen, you need to clean it first. To do this you need one worker card. When cleaning, you discard a worker card, rotate the boarpen card, so it has a clean building in the top left corner. Additionally you can either take manure card or a new card from the beige stack (the choice is yours).

If you are interested D-I-Y add-ons and modifications of rules you can visit Mods and add-ons'.

How to deal with being stuck

Sometimes you can't produce anything even though you have lots of workers and forage. You usually lack either an animal, manure or an infrastructure card.

How to proceed forward? You can always ask other players to sell you a card you need.

If this is not possible or deal they are offering is not good enough for you, what about trying to share your cards? Others can share a card with you and in return you can give them a card and share a card they might need in future.

Finally there is always an option of borrowing a card from others even if this is only a temporary solution in exchange of a payment in form of card(s).

All those examples are meant to show that this game encourages you to think creatively and negotiatie with others, there is no limit to what kind of deals you can make to help each other out.

How to increase chances of winning?


Most likely you won't get great cards so it's worth to trade with others. The important thing is to always know what do you need, what others need and is there a way to create a deal that satisfy both of your needs.


You're not limited to trading. Maybe borrowing, lending, sharing or a mix of it will work? Try to talk to others, emphasize what they will gain.

Try to be lean

Most cards you receive can be somewhat useful even though it might not appear so. For example having a second building of the same type might be beneficial so that you don't have to clean the first one when making the same agriculatural actions again. If card is of no use to you it might be a good idea to get rid of it by trading it to others in exchange of a card you need. The more you optimize your deck the more production you can accomplish throughout the game.

Be assertive and creative

It's good to be assertive, that is never accept a deal that you feel might not be good for you. Helping others is good as long as it helps your situation too. If unsure, you can always wait few turn and see what happens.

And finally - be nice to each other

It might sound weird by long-term it increases your chances of winning. The most likely scneario is that you might play more than one session with same players. By being too aggressive you risk being alienated in a difficult situation in the next session. So engaging with mutually beneficial trades help others to keep the trading door open and ultimately makes the game more fun and creative.